14th (2003)

International Stasys Šimkus‘ Choir Competition, just like the previous ones, took place in the concert hall of the Art Faculty of Klaipėda University on the 17th – 19th of October, 2003. 18 collectives – 3 children’s, 5 youth, 5 female, and 5 mixed choirs from Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Finland, Estonia, Bulgaria, Slovenia and Poland expressed their wish to participate in the competition. It is only regrettable that not a single male choir wished to participate. Respectable specialists of choir singing: the chairman Professor Ants Söot (Estonia), members Fabijonas Sereika (Lithuania), Romans Vanags (Latvia), Gintautas Venislovas (Lithuania), Associated Professor Zita Kariniauskienė (Lithuania), secretary lector Judita Kiaulakytė (Lithuania), were invited to be the members of the Jury.
In the children’s group, Emilis Melngailis’ girls’ choir from Liepaja, leader Andris Kontauts (Latvia), was rated as the best one.
In the youth group, girls’ choir of Riga 1st State Secondary School “Sapnis”, leader Iveta Rismane (Latvia), was rated as the best one; however, it did not win the first prize.
In the female choirs‘ group, J. B. Foerster’s choir from the Czech Republic, leader Lukaš Vasilek, was unrivalled and won the first prize.
In the mixed choirs‘ group, Česlovas Sasnauskas‘ choir of Vilkaviškis Diocese Christian Culture Centre, leader Mindaugas Radzevičius (Lithuania), won the first prize.
The GRAND AMBER prize was awarded to J. B. Foerster’s female chamber choir, leader Lukaš Vasilek (Czech Republic). The MINOR prize was awarded to Emilis Melngailis’ girls’ choir from Liepaja, leader Andris Kontauts (Latvia).
Special prize (traditionally founded by S. Šimkus’ sons Algis and Neris) was granted to Česlovas Sasnauskas‘ choir of Vilkaviškis Diocese Christian Culture Centre, leader Mindaugas Radzevičius (Lithuania), for the best performance of S. Šimkus’ piece “Nakties tylumoj”.
Special prize (founded by the Center of Lithuanian Folk Culture) was granted to J. B. Foerster’s female choir, leader Lukaš Vasilek (Czech Republic), for the best performance of the work of composers of their country.
Special prize (founded by Lithuanian Music Teachers Association) was granted to the best youth choir – girls’ choir of Riga 1st State Secondary School “Sapnis”, leader Iveta Rismane (Latvia).
Special prize (founded by the Department of Education of Klaipėda) was granted to Emilis Melngailis’ girls’ choir from Liepaja, leader Andris Kontauts (Latvia), for the most valuable programme performed in the competition.
Special prize (founded by Klaipėda Choir Association “Aukuras”) was granted to J. B. Foerster’s female chamber choir, leader Lukaš Vasilek (Czech Republic), for the best performance of compulsory pieces.
By the decision of the Jury’s, special prize (founded by Klaipėda S. Šimkus’ Conservatoire) for the best performance of S. Šimkus’ works was not granted to anyone.
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