6th (1984)

On the 14th – 15th of April, 1984, THE SIXTH Stasys Šimkus‘ choir competition was held in which choirs from Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipėda, Šiauliai, Panevėžys and Alytus took part. The laureates of the first group were the mixed choir of the Vilnius Engineering Building Institute “Gabija” (leader Feliksas Viskantas), the mixed choir of Kaunas Cultural Workers‘ Trade Union “Leliumai” (leader Albinas Petrauskas), and the female choir of the Vilnius Construction Company “Eglė” (leader Jonas Kavaliauskas).
The female choir of Vilnius Construction Company “Eglė” received the prize for the best performance of a song from the repertoir of the Republican Song festival of 1985; the female choir of Panevėžys Trade Board “Volungė” (leader Gražina Viržonienė) was granted the prize for the best performance of a S. Šimkus’ song; the male choir of Šiauliai Television Factory “Tauras” (leader Kornelija Užemeckienė) was granted the prize for the best performance of a contemporary composer’s song. In the second and third groups, the first places were won by the mixed choir of Klaipėda‘s Medical Workers (leader Robertas Varnas), the female choir of the Republican House of Klaipėda‘s Medical Workers (leader Jeronimas Žitkevičius) and the youth choir of Vilnius Secondary School No. 22 (leader Vytautas Urbonavičius). Special prizes were received by the girls’ choir of Panevėžys J. Švedas‘s Pedagogical Music School (leader A. Pyragytė), the mixed choir of Šiauliai “Nuklonas” Factory (leader Marija Žibūdienė) and the female choir of the Republican House of Educational Workers (leader Jeronimas Žitkevičius).
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