15th (2005)

As THE FIFTEENTH International Stasys Šimkus Choir Competition was approaching, Professor Algis Zaboras left Klaipėda Choir Association “Aukuras” and resigned from the position of the chairman of the organizing committee and left Klaipėda. Former chairman Associated Professor Robertas Varnas temporarily took this position and, being extremely experienced, successfully managed all preparations for the competition.
The 15th International Stasys Šimkus‘ Choir Competition was held on the 21st – 23rd of October, 2005, and 15 choirs from Lithuania, Poland, Estonia, Latvia and Slovenia brought songs into it. Participants competed in four choir groups: children’s, youth, even voices and mixed choirs. 6 persons worked in the Jury: the chairman Professor Janis Lindbergs (Latvia), members Vaclovas Augustinas (Lithuania), Arūnas Pečiulis (Austria), Professor Jüri Bent (Estonia), Alfonsas Vildžiūnas (Lithuania), secretary lector Judita Kiaulakytė (Lithuania).
The following choirs became the laureates: in mixed choirs‘ group – the mixed choir from Brežice “Viva Brežice”, leader Simona Rožman Strand (Slovenia); in even voices‘ choirs‘ group – the male chamber choir “Revalia”, leader Hirvo Surva (Estonia); in youth choirs‘ group, the first prize was not awarded; in children’s choirs‘ group – the choir of Kaunas Aleksandras Kačanauskas’ music school “Perpetuum mobile”, leader Beata Kijauskienė (Lithuania). They were awarded the first degree diplomas and monetary bounties of 400 Euros.
The GRAND AMBER prize and the 1 000 Euro bounty was awarded to the male chamber choir “Revalia”, leader Hirvo Surva (Estonia).
The MINOR AMBER prize and the 750 Euro bounty was awarded to the choir “Perpetuum mobile” of Kaunas Aleksandras Kačanauskas’ Music School, leader Beata Kijauskienė (Lithuania).
Special prize (founded by Klaipėda S. Šimkus’ Conservatoire) was granted to the mixed choir “Cantare” of Klaipėda Culture Centre “Žvejų rūmai”, leader Artūras Dambrauskas (Lithuania), for the best performance of S. Šimkus’ piece “Nakties tylumoj”.
Special prize (founded by the Center of Lithuanian Folk Culture) was granted to the male chamber choir “Revalia”, leader Hirvo Surva (Estonia), for the best performance of the work of composers of their country.
Special prize (founded by Lithuanian Music Teachers Association) was granted to the best youth choir – the mixed choir of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, leader Rasa Viskantaitė (Lithuania).
Special prize (founded by the Department of Education of Klaipėda) was granted to the choir “Perpetuum mobile” of Kaunas Aleksandras Kačanauskas’ Music School, leader Beata Kijauskienė (Lithuania), for the most valuable programme performed in the competition, in the children’s choirs’ category.
Special prize (founded by Klaipėda Choir Association “Aukuras”) was granted to the female choir “Ausma”, leader Jānis Zirnis (Latvia), for the best performance of compulsory pieces.
When the 15th International S. Šimkus‘ Choir Competition was over, the management of Klaipėda Choir Association “Aukuras” changed. As Robertas Varnas resigned from the position of the chairman, Associated Professor Algirdas Šumskis took over these duties. It was he to whom the main work load while preparing for the 15th International S. Šimkus‘ Choir Competition and other events organized by “Aukuras” fell. Vytautas Blūšius, Robertas Varnas, Algis Kliševičius, the Municipality and other people and organizations were also involved in this work.
In 2006 Algirdas Šumskis was elected the new chairman to overtake the lead of Klaipėda choir Association “Aukuras”. He also got the responsabilty of organizing The International S. Šimkus‘ Choir Competition.
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